The road back…

Way back in February I promised that I would journal the journey of taking  my body from acid to alkaline. I had good intentions. I did start but each time I felt like writing, which wasn’t often I must admit, I was feeling miserable and writing about it just seemed like whinging. There is a […]

Music to my ears!

Ahhhh!!! The sweet sound of a power tool as it rents the morning air! Normally an irritation, now because it’s been so long coming, it is music to my ears Seven years ago we moved into this house and as you do when you buy a house you discuss all the things about it that […]

Sending love from the future

Today is my wedding anniversary. This time 41 years ago today I was getting ready for my wedding.  I had spent the night before at my parent’s house, which is where I was living at the time.  My son, who was 13 months old, had been up all night with an ear infection so someone […]

A lesson in unconditional love

There is nothing like spending some time in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead to give you a reality check, a clearer perspective on life in general and your life in particular. My four and a half year old granddaughter has been in there for the past week. She has Cystic Fibrosis and because of an infection […]

How sweet the roses smell

I have had the most wonderful Sunday. The weather has been just perfect for the first day of ‘real time’. I was up early and Rosie and I drove down to Berry to the markets. She had a great time meeting different dogs and also having humans fuss over her. I didn’t take much money […]

The power of $15mil

This time last week for more than half an hour I sat with the thought that I was the winner of $15 million! Someone in Kiama had won Oz Lotto and I had a ticket. When I walked into the hairdressers they were talking about it and I stopped in my tracks and said ‘I’ve […]

I have a confession

I have a confession to make. This week I have been spending time on myself. Oh! Shock horror! Everyone born in the fifties will know that that is the worst thing you could possibly do. That is so selfish. We were brought up to think of other people before ourselves. We were taught to put […]

This drug makes me angry

It is a glorious morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, it’s Monday and I feel fine! We had a wonderful weekend with some old friends here to stay, we were out and about enjoying the wonderful Kiama Jazz and Blues Festival and then shopping in Berry on Sunday. It was so good […]

From rage to peace

It has been an interesting week with a full gamut of emotions. I went from incredible rage at the weekend to peace and calm now. From pain and immobility to taking the drugs and feeling invincible, like superwoman. Now, to find the balance between the two. The anger and frustration that I felt at the […]

You’ve gotta love the Universe

I woke up from the depths of sleep this morning, feeling like the guy who plays Alex on Packed to the Rafters with a very stiff neck, at 7.30am! Unheard of for me to sleep that long can’t remember the last time and I only woke up once during the night at 3am ~ a […]