You’ve gotta love the Universe

I woke up from the depths of sleep this morning, feeling like the guy who plays Alex on Packed to the Rafters with a very stiff neck, at 7.30am! Unheard of for me to sleep that long can’t remember the last time and I only woke up once during the night at 3am ~ a good side effect of not drinking enough water yesterday.

I could feel the places that I exercised in hydrotherapy yesterday but once I got out of bed and got moving everything was manageable. The right index finger is still swollen and stiff but not quite as sore as it was. So a positive right there. I feel heaps better than this time last week. My new supplements arrived yesterday so today I can completely embrace the new eating regime and program.

Today is my youngest son’s birthday and when my children have birthdays I remember their births and what was happening for me at the time. This baby was conceived after I had my tubes cauterised and then was born 11 weeks premature. As I reflect on his birth I send healing to that young girl, who with 3 children at home had to deal with the very likely chance that this baby would not make it. But make it he did and now today he turns 33. He has two uni degrees, has travelled the world, runs marathons and just recently married his long time love. He did not let his start in life hamper him or hold him back nor define him. He has gone on to grab life with both hands and enjoy it. It was him who showed me that children really do pick their parents, he was determined that he was joining our family whether we wanted it or not! Happy Birthday Matt!!! Thank you for all you have brought to my life, I am so proud of the man you have become, love you to the moon and back.

While I was having breakfast I sorted through yesterday’s mail, when  I opened the newsletter from Australian Bush Flower Essences I laughed, there up the top was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, one of my favourite people to quote. “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art”, there follows photos of 8 ‘wise’ people and a story about graceful ageing. Thank you so much Ian White, what perfect timing and a gentle reminder to make myself up some essences. I asked the Universe for role models and they just keep on appearing in all sorts of places. Such confirmation for me at the moment that what we focus on is what we get.

Behind my computer I have sayings and photos etc. that inspire me, and when I glance up they are absorbed into my subconscious, they are all positive and change regularly. My favourite is a photo of Tigger in a great pose with the saying ‘once in awhile someone amazing comes along, and here I am!’, makes me smile every time I look at it. I love it so much I have written the saying on the mirror in the clinic bathroom.

My daughter and her family are coming to stay for the weekend, the children bring a wonderful new energy to the house, and Rosie loves having them here. So I’m off to attend to a couple of things before they arrive. Have a great weekend ~ I certainly intend to!!


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