Take Back Your Power
with either an Empowerment Session
5 sessions to Transform Your Life.
There has never been a more important time than now to take back your power. Together we will work through the things that are holding you back, release them and download new positive programs in their place.
You can choose either a
90-minute Empowerment Session,
or go deeper and take the time to make some big shifts with a
When I’m working with clients I use many of the tools I have in my toolbag because each of us is unique and we need different support.
I am an holistic counsellor, a ThetaHealing® practitioner & instructor with many years of experience and study.
Using the tools from ThetaHealing means together we can find the bottom cause of the issue that is bothering you, release it and then replace it with a positive program.
These beliefs and programs are tucked away in our subconscious, usually from the time we are children and we have no idea they are there. We carry in our DNA the beliefs of our parents, our grandparents and on back through our ancestors. So when we think about what life was like for your ancestors. Did they live through war, poverty, suppression? What was the world and society like around them? When we start to look at it from that aspect we can see why we might be carrying beliefs that no longer work in the life we are currently living but all those beliefs are still there running our life.
During a session we dig up the origins of the beliefs that are sabotaging you and also cut the cords/ties with the past, removing what no longer serves your highest and best.
I have had many clients say to me that I have done more for them in one session than years of seeing counsellors and psychologists has done.
It’s such an honour to see the change in clients when we release some of the beliefs and programs they have been carrying.

90-Minute Empowerment Session
Is there something you need clarity or guidance on?
Is there something you are ready to invite into your life?
Is there a recurring pattern you are ready to let go of?
Do you need support to expand into your next phase?
Is it time:
- to release old patterns
- create new stories
- make decisions in alignment with your heart and soul?
If you answered, yes, then boook your session now.
Transform Your Life Package
The Transform Your Life Package is comprised of 4 sessions which will support you to access, integrate and embody your own clarity, power, intuition and wisdom. These sessions are a mix of intuitive insights, guided processes and proactive mentoring.
Transform Your Life sessions are like an energetic excavation, an archaeological dig, helping us to find the source of your discomfort and sabotage. Then once found, we remove it and install a positive replacement. You can then see yourself and your present more clearly, empowering you to move forward more easefully.
Working with Maiya for 4 sessions will help you:-
- Get clear on what you want and why
- Clear trauma from your past
- Clear beliefs and programs that are held on the core, genetic, history and soul level
- Tap into the wisdom held in your body, your aura, your soul
- Gain tools that will assist you in embodying and actioning your desired changes. These will be tailored to your individual needs. This could be journaling prompts, guided processes, actions to take, digging to remove old limiting beliefs/programs.
If you are ready to transform, then get started by booking this package today. Sessions are available in person or on Zoom if you are further away.

Over our five sessions together we will be able to clear many of these beliefs, certainly the ones that are causing the most angst in your life.
There will also be meditations, journaling, homework, and most importantly, taking the time to spend on yourself.
That last is so important because as women we look after everyone else and leave ourselves to last.
If it feels like you resonate with this then book a ‘Meet & Greet’ and we can have a chat about whether we are a good fit to work together.

Are you ready to take back your power?
Then let’s book it in!
What it's like to work with me
“For over 30 years my life was an emotional roller coaster, I lived constantly seeking the approval of other people, and felt as a total failure when I didn't live up to them. I have placed extremely high expectations on myself while performing for the world out there, but very low expectations on myself privately as I was constantly exhausted from creating this everyday façade. I was tired, frustrated and tried my best as a single mum to perform well in all aspects of my life, but it proved to be impossible. When I met Maiya, I was confused, I didn't know who I was, I didn't know which direction my life should take, I was a shipwreck on a stormy sea.
I've seen Maiya a few times now over the last couple of years and my life has now completely turned around. Her gentle healing sessions have brought me understanding and clarity about the forces that shaped my internal belief system and why they didn't work anymore. She guided me to find my true inner voice, leading me to use my intuition in everyday situations and in decision making. I have finally found my voice and I have started to show the world the REAL ME unapologetically. This was empowering and I have finally felt free for the first time in my life. Free from other people's opinions, free from expectations.
Maiya was there for me every step of the way as it wasn't an easy transformation, but one that was absolutely necessary to be happy and joyful. I have immense gratitude for Maiya, the inner work we did together has transformed not only my belief system, but also created a positive shift in my personal relationships and my financial success. Standing up for myself and creating healthy boundaries are the most empowering outcomes of these sessions with Maiya. I felt safe and heard for the first time in her nurturing healing space and in her presence.
Thank you from my 💛 Maiya🙏🏻 ”
Timi R
“Maiya has helped me change and improve my life spiritually and emotionally. I have moved and cleared deep-seated emotions that I have been working on with psychologists for the last 10 years. One session with Maiya changed my life.”
“I've always struggled with a certain aspect of my life and have spent years searching for answers with no real answers or solutions. I was referred to Maiya by a friend and must admit I was hesitant. The session I had with Maiya was nothing short of amazing Maiya is a highly skilled professional and knows her stuff, she made me feel safe and comfortable and I was able to open up on my issues. After my appointment I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and understanding of the situation and now I'm actually enjoying that aspect of my life. I highly recommend Maiya to anyone that is seeking real answers and solutions...”
Manny C.
“I was going through a very difficult time during 2019-2022, my life seemed to be unravelling before my very eyes. I had been looking for something and I found it when I enrolled in a workshop with Maiya. I love Maiya’s approach , she allows you to reach your own aha moments, she guides you towards yourself. Maiya is a very knowledgeable teacher and has a down to earth persona. She is a soul just like you, going through this human experience, she never sets herself above anyone and in doing this is extremely relatable. Maiya is a compassionate and patient teacher who I love and have recommended to many people.
Thankyou Maiya, the lessons I learnt from you I use everyday.”
Tammy W.