Become Sovereign of Your Life

A 12 week 1:1 Personal Program

Now is the time for you to
Become Sovereign of Your Life

šŸ’ƒ Itā€™s time to stop other people deciding what you should do

šŸ’ƒ Itā€™s time to claim back your power and stand firmly in it

šŸ’ƒ Itā€™s time to stop society and social media, dictating how you view yourself

You choose how to react in each and every moment of the day. Every thought you have and every word you speak is constantly creating your life!
Are you creating the life you want?
If the answer's No then let's work together so that you can

The definition of a sovereign šŸ‘‘

the supreme ruler; possessing supreme or ultimate power; one who exercises power without limitations; having the highest power or being completely independent; one who inherits the position by right of birthĀ 

You were born to be a sovereign being, to have power over yourself.

You were not meant to be under the control of an outside authority.

You are someone who is in control of every area of her life, you have ultimate autonomy of yourself

Keeping in mind that we have no control over anyone else but ourselves


Believe me, I know all about this.

I spent years in that victim space, thinking I had no power, that I had no choice but to do what other people told me.

Luckily I learned how to flip that around and now I’d like to help you do the same.

The planet has undergone a huge shift and the old paradigm we worked under is over.

‘The times they are a changing’

Itā€™s time for a new beginning.

It’s time to claim your sovereign power!

Imagine creating your life from conscious choices rather than from a place of feeling powerless, a victimĀ 

šŸ‘‘ Are you ready to let go and leave behind the beliefs that kept you enslaved?

šŸ‘‘ Are you ready to take back your power?

šŸ‘‘ Are you ready to take back the reins of your life and steer it in the direction YOU want to go?

Create The Life That YOU Want!

Imagine a life where you are no longer impacted by your past.

Where your childhood no longer prevents you from creating a beautiful life for yourself. Where youā€™re no longer a victim but an empowered woman ready to create the life that YOU want.

Become Sovereign of Your Life! is a 12-week 1:1, online personal coaching journey, just you and I working together, to help you overcome those limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging you and then you can stand firmly in your sovereignty. You will be held and supported by me as we travel this journey together.

The limiting beliefs that were set down when you were a child, become dormant as an adult. They are unconscious and we have no idea they are there. But they are and they are running our adult life!

Together we will find them, remove them and replace them with new feelings and beliefs that empower you to create the life you have been dreaming of. Imagine healing the trauma of your childhood, healing the relationships with your birth family, letting go of the anger and hurt of past sexual partners ā€¦ would that make a difference in your life?

How much lighter would you feel if all of that wasnā€™t constantly pulling you back, how much easier would your life be?

Imagine if you no longer felt stuck, no longer felt powerless, no longer felt disengaged from the worldĀ 

And instead felt empowered and inspired, knowing you were actively designing the life of your dreams.Ā 

Itā€™s time to release those limiting beliefs and the shackles from the past that have been holding you back.

No more sabotaging your goals and dreams.
No more living the life someone else wants you to.

Instead of sitting in the passenger seat, you are able to grab the steering wheel with both hands and steer your life in the direction you want to go.

Release limiting beliefs to become Queen of YOUR life with Maiya

We were brought up on fairy tales, those ones where the prince came in, saved the princess and spirited her away to live happily ever after.

Nearly every little girl wanted to be that princess.

But when we look at the subtlety of this . . . a princess looks for people to save her.

It’s inferred that she is unable to look after herself. She needs someone stronger to take care of her.

How much is this subconscious childhood conditioning impacting your adult life?

Once we begin to understand these unconscious beliefs we created as children, we can change them and create powerful lasting change in your personal life, relationships and career.
You can change your inner talk and become more loving, supportive, nurturing, compassionate, inspiring and empowering to yourself.

This inner work that we do together ignites self-care, self-love and self-confidence and puts the inner critic in the back seat so it no longer runs your life.Ā 

When you ignite self-love, it naturally ignites confidence!

When you become aware of the words you say to yourself, you can choose more supportive and loving words.

If you’re not happy with your life as it currently is andĀ are ready to create change, ignite greater self-love and confidence, and stand firmly in your sovereignty, thenĀ reach out for a chat and organise to work together.

This is a personal package designed specifically for your needs.Ā 

Over the 12 weeks in this supportive container, we will look at all areas of your life – from your past to the big life goals you want. Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world. All this is possible.

In our first session, the Mapping Session, we will get clear on whatā€™s been stopping you from creating the life that you want.

Our first step is to connect you with the life-changing clarity you need to understand what has stopped you from creating the life you deeply desire.

In the sacred, safe space I create, we will uncover what is holding you back and begin the process of powerfully healing these old hurts.Ā 

We will unearth what subconscious or limiting beliefs have prevented you from achieving that life already.

Then together weā€™ll create a plan for you to ensure you reach your goals using some of Maiyaā€™s Magic.

I will be a combination of coach, mentor, counsellor, and healer.

I will guide you and keep you accountable every step of the way, to ensure you get from the start to the finish line as quickly (and as easily) as possible.

Any roadblocks, speed humps, or hesitation you may have about living and achieving the life of your dreams, will be releasedĀ 

We will reassess as we go along and adjust accordingly

Be held and supported by me as we travel through these 12 weeks

Plus you will have someone with 30+ years experience in the healing arts in your corner.
We could all do with having a cheerleader in our corner!

Together we will

  • Create a personalised road map for your successĀ 
  • Tap into your innate determination to fulfill your dreams
  • Connect you to your inner child
  • Identify and release the limiting beliefs and core wounds
  • Replace those beliefs with postive benificial ones
  • Identify what is holding you back from living your best life
  • Unlock your psychic and intuitive giftsĀ 
  • Teach you how to use your intuition as your own personal GPS
  • Remove any vows or contracts you may have that are holding you back
  • We will reassess as we go and adjust as neccessary
  • As you move forward in our time together any blocks that appear will be removed

You will learn how:

  • journaling daily helps you to understand what your subconscious is telling you
  • to relax your body and meditate
  • the basics of Tapping / EFT to clear energetic blocks that are keeping you stuck
  • to set your day up each night as you go to sleep
  • to mother your inner child so that she feels nurtured, understood, accepted and loved unconditionally
  • to create strong healthy boundaries
  • to reclaim your power
  • to stand in your sovereignty
  • to know your own worth

So that you can change your current reality and stand firmly in your power, your sovereignty, your divine right!

Breakdown of Your Package

*A 90-minute 1:1 ā€˜Intention Settingā€™ session via Video Conferencing to map out goals and discover what is holding you backĀ 
*10 x 60-minute healing + mentoring sessions via Video Conferencing
*1 x 90-minute ā€˜Integration Sessionā€™ via Video to tie up any loose endsĀ 
*15-minute ā€˜check inā€™ each weekĀ 
*Recorded sessions – so that you can recap the session
*5 Meditation tracks to listen to at your leisureĀ 

$2,222 if paid in full

Or payment plan:

$650 deposit secures your spot

Followed by 2x monthly payments of $900.


Are you ready?
Is it time become Sovereign of YOUR life?



What it's like to work with me

I learned to stand up for myself

ā€œFor over 30 years my life was an emotional roller coaster, I lived constantly seeking the approval of other people, and felt as a total failure when I didn't live up to them. I have placed extremely high expectations on myself while performing for the world out there, but very low expectations on myself privately as I was constantly exhausted from creating this everyday faƧade. I was tired, frustrated and tried my best as a single mum to perform well in all aspects of my life, but it proved to be impossible. When I met Maiya, I was confused, I didn't know who I was, I didn't know which direction my life should take, I was a shipwreck on a stormy sea.

I've seen Maiya a few times now over the last couple of years and my life has now completely turned around. Her gentle healing sessions have brought me understanding and clarity about the forces that shaped my internal belief system and why they didn't work anymore. She guided me to find my true inner voice, leading me to use my intuition in everyday situations and in decision making. I have finally found my voice and I have started to show the world the REAL ME unapologetically. This was empowering and I have finally felt free for the first time in my life. Free from other people's opinions, free from expectations.

Maiya was there for me every step of the way as it wasn't an easy transformation, but one that was absolutely necessary to be happy and joyful. I have immense gratitude for Maiya, the inner work we did together has transformed not only my belief system, but also created a positive shift in my personal relationships and my financial success. Standing up for myself and creating healthy boundaries are the most empowering outcomes of these sessions with Maiya. I felt safe and heard for the first time in her nurturing healing space and in her presence.

Thank you from my šŸ’› MaiyašŸ™šŸ» ā€

Timi R

One session changed my life

ā€œMaiya has helped me change and improve my life spiritually and emotionally. I have moved and cleared deep-seated emotions that I have been working on with psychologists for the last 10 years. One session with Maiya changed my life.ā€


I found relief and understanding

ā€œI've always struggled with a certain aspect of my life and have spent years searching for answers with no real answers or solutions. I was referred to Maiya by a friend and must admit I was hesitant. The session I had with Maiya was nothing short of amazing Maiya is a highly skilled professional and knows her stuff, she made me feel safe and comfortable and I was able to open up on my issues. After my appointment I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and understanding of the situation and now I'm actually enjoying that aspect of my life. I highly recommend Maiya to anyone that is seeking real answers and solutions...ā€

Manny C.

I found what I was looking for

ā€œI was going through a very difficult time during 2019-2022, my life seemed to be unravelling before my very eyes. I had been looking for something and I found it when I enrolled in a workshop with Maiya. I love Maiyaā€™s approach , she allows you to reach your own aha moments, she guides you towards yourself. Maiya is a very knowledgeable teacher and has a down to earth persona. She is a soul just like you, going through this human experience, she never sets herself above anyone and in doing this is extremely relatable. Maiya is a compassionate and patient teacher who I love and have recommended to many people.

Thankyou Maiya, the lessons I learnt from you I use everyday.ā€

Tammy W.

I feel safer and less needy
ā€œIā€™ve learnt so much about myself and also how to understand my reactions and respond to those who cause pain differently. Itā€™s like I feel safer and less needy.ā€


I listen to the voice inside my head
ā€œIā€™ve learnt so much about myself and my beliefs that itā€™s inspired me to keep digging for myself. Iā€™ve also learned to listen to the voice in my head and say what I hear and that has helped others around me too. Thank you Maiya xā€

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