How ThetaHealing set me free!

I knew ‘something’ wasn’t right. I knew there had to be more to life than this. I just wasn’t happy. My life on the outside looked good. I was married […]

The joy of teaching ThetaHealing®

 Oh how I love teaching ThetaHealing®! My heart fills fit to burst watching the changes in people. I smile now when I think of how long it took me to […]

The magic of surrender

It’s been a very long time since I have sat down to write a blog. Six and a half weeks ago I broke my ankle and the next day I wrote myself […]

The start of 2013 for me!

I was so looking forward to saying goodbye to 2012 and welcoming in the new and the change of energies in 2013. I presumed that the health challenges would be left behind and […]


We have been taught from a very young age that we must always strive. We must always be bettering ourselves (and in there we take on the belief that we […]

Free Guided Visualisation

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