No one can make you feel anything without your consent


“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

That is a famous quote by the late Eleanor Roosevelt and one of my all time favourites. When I write it with chalkpen on the picture frame behind my chair in the clinic I put a line through inferior and write anything above it.

Because that is a fact.

No one can make you feel anything without your consent.

They can’t make you feel happy, they can’t make you feel sad, they can’t make you feel angry, nor any of the thousands of other feelings or emotions.

What happens when you feel happy, sad or angry is that you are reacting to something they have said or done. It is how you respond that is causing you the problem.

I know that is a tough one to get your head around.

In order to accept that it is your response that is causing you the problem you have to be able to come to grips with ‘the buck stops here’.

You can no longer play the role of the victim.

You can no longer go around blaming other people for the way you feel or the way your life has turned out.

That takes work.

That takes commitment.

That takes some deep inner work.

That takes an honest self-assessment and inventory.

I know because I was in that place of blaming everyone else for the way I felt and for the way my life was.

I was a victim.

I was angry and resentful. And most of the time I blamed my mother for all the negative things that happened to me. I was stuck in my past and it was a long hard road for me to get past that. You can read more about my story in my ebook.

My mission now is to help people to learn from my mistakes and not take the long road that I took. I want to spread the word that I have found a short cut. Something that is quick and painless and easy and it lasts.

The old paradigm of doing things the hard way belongs back in the last century. Things are quick and easy now.

Do what I say and not what I did could be my by line.

When you heal that part of you that reacts, the person can still do and say the same things, but it doesn’t hurt you anymore and then You. Don’t. React.

I like the analogy of someone ‘pushing your buttons’. With ThetaHealing® it’s about removing those buttons. Then, they can say what they like – hey, they can even jump up and down – but you won’t be triggered.


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