Healing your inner child

You have probably heard and read about your inner child and may have wondered just what it is.
Inside you, in every cell of your body, is a memory of everything that you have done since you were born. Basically what that means is that the you from every age you have ever been is walking around inside you. Sometimes making you happy but most of the time causing havoc of some kind. The little child who felt that they were ignored, dethroned when the new baby came along, not good enough, stupid, or ___________, you fill in the blank or rather the many blanks. When you have read about healing your inner child then this is what it means, healing every aspect of the you that has gone before. You can read more here.

The picture at the top of the home page of my website is a photo of my granddaughter and me walking along the path at the headland near my home, my most favourite place in the world. There is the Minnamurra river on the left of the photo and Mystics Beach and when you get to the top you can only hear the waves you can also hear the silence, a contradiction I know but true.

My granddaughter has my name as her middle name and she looks a little like me at that age. We had a wonderful time taking this series of photos as we were chatting all the way along.

This photo is very symbolic for me. It represents taking my inner child by the hand and walking her through life, through the curves and bends of life, the twists and turns, the different scenery, the steep paths and the flat. We are walking along together with the world and our life out there in front of us. We are walking towards that life, together. Now that I have reconnected with my inner child she never has to be alone, ever again. I will be there with her always, at whatever age she is. There is nothing that she has to face alone now that I am there with her to hold her hand, to protect her and keep her safe….

There were many reasons that my little girl was alone, she was an only child and sent off to boarding school three months after arriving in Australia from England after a six week sea voyage with my mother. My father had come out first alone to find work and accommodation, as jobs and housing were reported to be hard to find.
After years of course, workshops and counselling ThetaHealing® was the tool I finally stumbled across that allowed me to heal all of those parts of me that were hurt and traumatised ~ and I loved it so much that I became a ThetaHealing® teacher so that I could share it with everyone and help them to heal themselves.

Having grandchildren has given me the opportunity to do all the fun things with my inner child it has been wonderful for me to give her what she was missing. I now have 9 and another one due in June so lots of opportunity to play! My inner child will never have to go through anything by herself, she will never be alone and unprotected again.


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The importance of loving yourself

“The fundamental problem that most patients face is the inability to love themselves.” Bernie Siegel MD

I remember reading his book Love, Medicine and Miracles back at the end of the ’80’s and it resonated so deeply with me, something shifted inside.

Women of my generation have been taught to be perfectionists

We were taught that we need to be all things to all people

We were taught that to do something for ourselves,

to think of ourself was selfish … the very worst sin you could commit it seemed

Then you had people screaming that women can have it all

You could have children, be a mother AND have a high powered job

You could do anything and everything a man could do

What happened as a result of those high expectations was a generation of women who exhausted their bodies and their spirits trying to pack in all that they thought they were supposed to do

Be the 1950’s housewife with the perfect home & perfectly behaved children
and at the same time compete with men in the corporate world.

What an unsustainable, insurmountable goal that was!

In order to attempt to juggle all those balls in the air women had to sublimate their own needs to the needs of others.

When that happens our emotions have to shout louder and louder in order to get out attention

and because there is no time or space to focus on ourselves, plus we’ve been taught that to do so is wrong
thoughts and emotions get pushed further and further down
and that’s when the physical symptoms begin

[I read that martyrs experience chronic resentment – that was so me when my children were younger!]

When you look at this very simplified explanation you can see the problems this created,

both in my generation and the generations to follow.

Each generation tries to rebalance the wrongs they felt the previous generation inflicted upon them

I see the same things manifesting in my clients,
each generation having their own set of issues
and most of them say they feel stuck.

At the crux of all of it is the need
to be seen and heard, to be validated and acknowledged

and how quick the turnaround and change begins when that happens!

Focusing on yourself is not selfish,
experiencing pleasure is not selfish,
they are both crucial for vibrant health!

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Money is the Root of All Evil …

Did you hear that when you were growing up? Perhaps you heard ….. ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, ‘we can’t afford it’, ‘I don’t know how we’re going to pay these bills’, ‘you need money to make money’, ‘you have to work hard to earn

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