There is so much talk about gratitude these days, we are surrounded by it.
I remember years ago I spent hours writing sayings in a beautiful journal for my mother. I had an angel stamp so I sprinkled gold angels randomly through the journal. I thought it looked beautiful and inspiring.
I was going through a creative phase at that point and I was busily making things for people.
My mother was a negative woman and I was trying to give her some positives to focus on to help her change her mindset.
When I found the journal a long time later Mum had sadly only written two lines.
The two things that she could find to be grateful were:
A lovely house to live in and a wonderful family
I had talked to her and tried to get her to focus on the things she could see –
- the view of the lake from her family room window.
- the beautiful plants in her garden
- the birds in the bird bath