The power of our dreams

I have been struggling with this approaching ‘aging thing’ for some time and said I needed to find some good role models.  Lo and behold when I checked into Facebook there was a post saying  that Louise L Hay started Hay House when she was 60, she is now 86. Perfect! I thought, I’ll grab hold of that. Then that night I dreamt that I was having a one-on-one session with Louise herself in her lounge room … a very, very powerful dream.

The next night’s dream lasted on and off all night and I knew I couldn’t open my eyes until the dream was complete. We were living in our old house in Sydney and had a lot of people arrive to stay (must have had something to do with the tornedo that can through Kiama) there were people I knew coming into sleep.  I asked the kids to tidy up so people could sleep in their beds. The next morning, in the dream, I was looking for towels and there were none in the small linen cupboard but when I looked into the front bedroom there was a MOUNTAIN of bedclothes, clothes etc. piled up against the wall looking as if it would fall down and smoother someone. I went looking for towels in the pile but everything was stuck together and I couldn’t separate it. I knew I needed help. Each time I woke during the night to go to the toilet (4 times I think) a bit more would happen, more would be sorted and more packed away. It started with that tiny linen cupboard (that I had always hated because it was too small) and moved onto having a list, a plan and someone to execute it. So that in the end I knew it was complete and sorted to fit into the cupboard I have now! I just knew it was vitally important that it was finished. I couldn’t get up until it was all sorted even though I could see it was light I made myself go back to sleep to finish it off!

Obviously some big stuff going on, shifting and shuffling, underground as well as on the surface.

The GP suggested I take prednisolone … I was horrified and adamant that I wasn’t going to blow up like a balloon. In all my delusion I still believed at some point I would drop all this extra weight I am carrying and ALL my complaints would disappear. Taking that would be the end.

But the pain got worse and what I was taking wasn’t working so when I went back and she suggested prednisolone for 3 days I jumped at it. I thought if I could get the swelling down first and then I’d go from there to sort it out. I was concerned about the effect of prednisolone on my stomach. I am a sensitive little soul and gluten is one of the things my body doesn’t like, it causes me huge grief … amazing bloating and horrendous wind. So I have learned to avoid it!

After the first tablet the pain decreased to almost nothing and then it was gone and I could move easily and feely, forgetting (almost) the pain and restriction from before. I now know why people put on so much weight on this drug. I was starving!!! I could have eaten the leg of the table – literally. All I wanted was bread and carbs … and I have said what happens when I have gluten … yes horrendous!!!

Now I’m off the prednisolone. I can ‘feel’ my knees, wrists and some fingers today plus the back of my neck is very painful and burning. But my head is clear. I am focus and motivated. So onward and upward I go. Something  must be happening because I just keep on peeing!

I would love you to come with me on this journey. I could certainly use your support as I endeavour to turn this very sore, acidic body into alkaline perfection. Any suggestions you have would be gratefully received. This is my new mantra – “Dis-ease cannot live in an alkaline body”


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We hear that word bandied around but what does it actually mean? It means taking ownership of your decisions, your words, your actions, and all the consequences that come as a result. It means acknowledging the role you play in both the successes and failures

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The importance of loving yourself

“The fundamental problem that most patients face is the inability to love themselves.” Bernie Siegel MD

I remember reading his book Love, Medicine and Miracles back at the end of the ’80’s and it resonated so deeply with me, something shifted inside.

Women of my generation have been taught to be perfectionists

We were taught that we need to be all things to all people

We were taught that to do something for ourselves,

to think of ourself was selfish … the very worst sin you could commit it seemed

Then you had people screaming that women can have it all

You could have children, be a mother AND have a high powered job

You could do anything and everything a man could do

What happened as a result of those high expectations was a generation of women who exhausted their bodies and their spirits trying to pack in all that they thought they were supposed to do

Be the 1950’s housewife with the perfect home & perfectly behaved children
and at the same time compete with men in the corporate world.

What an unsustainable, insurmountable goal that was!

In order to attempt to juggle all those balls in the air women had to sublimate their own needs to the needs of others.

When that happens our emotions have to shout louder and louder in order to get out attention

and because there is no time or space to focus on ourselves, plus we’ve been taught that to do so is wrong
thoughts and emotions get pushed further and further down
and that’s when the physical symptoms begin

[I read that martyrs experience chronic resentment – that was so me when my children were younger!]

When you look at this very simplified explanation you can see the problems this created,

both in my generation and the generations to follow.

Each generation tries to rebalance the wrongs they felt the previous generation inflicted upon them

I see the same things manifesting in my clients,
each generation having their own set of issues
and most of them say they feel stuck.

At the crux of all of it is the need
to be seen and heard, to be validated and acknowledged

and how quick the turnaround and change begins when that happens!

Focusing on yourself is not selfish,
experiencing pleasure is not selfish,
they are both crucial for vibrant health!

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