Are you having fun?

During a workshop I was a participant in I had a huge revelation . . . I realised that I had stopped having fun! 

We were taking part in an exercise in pairs and afterwards I noticed that my jaw was aching and that’s when the light bulb hit! It had been a long time since I had laughed that much.

Once I processed that fun was missing in my life, what followed quickly after was sadness.

When I delved into it further it appeared I had made an unconscious decision that because of the age I reached on my last birthday, I was supposed to be serious, the matriarch, the wise woman, a person who had their ‘shit’ together and all that had equated in my head to mean I could no longer be frivolous and fun.

When I scanned the past few years I realised that was indeed true.

My grandchildren are all growing up and no longer toddlers and my inner child no longer comes out to play with them.

Yes, I laugh with them as we play board games etc but it’s not the same as having fun and being silly with them like I did when they were young and we danced to The Wiggles.

I also realised that I don’t play music in the house the way I used to, so I have remedied that!

I joined a singing group. This was huge for me as I had been told as a child to stand in the choir and mime. Lots of old beliefs to work through to be able to front up to a group that had been singing together for some time.

I still sing quietly. But I feel fantastic and am on such a high when I get home!

I have had to give myself a severe ‘talking to’ and question where I got the idea that I had to be the serious grandmother. Once I realised where all those rubbish beliefs came from I was able to release them.

The side effect and huge bonus in all this is that my health has improved! Imagine that!

How do you make sure you are having fun in your life?


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