A word of advice …
never challenge the Universe!
Never make a statement, either out loud or in your head, like …
‘I’ll be okay cruising into the end of my life with the healing I’ve done on myself’.
Or some other such ridiculous statement.
I said that, or something very similar, last year.
Biiiigggg mistake (said in a Julia Roberts voice)
I have been getting nudges for a few years now but the strong willed child within me raised her stubborn head and decided that she didn’t want to listen
and if I just did what the latest mentor suggested, all would be okay.
If I just did this …, if I just kept pushing …
I completely blocked out any messages I was getting, took no heed of my intuition, and absolutely no notice of the advice I give clients
‘If it feels like you’re pushing a huge boulder up a very steep hill, then you’re going the wrong way.’
And let me tell you it was a massive boulder and a very steep hill …
but still I kept on pushing, thinking I knew best.
Because I wasn’t listening to the nudges, the yells in my ears and all the other messages I was getting, the only way they could get my attention was to make me so sick and in so much pain I had no choice but to stop and listen.
Here’s something I realised, and am embarrassed to admit, historically I don’t listen until the physical pain brings me to my knees.
My dark night of the soul took me to a very uncomfortable place.
It made me look at the things I had been abiding and what I saw I didn’t like one bit.
Interesting to note that the pain is now gone!
The outcome of all of that is . . .
After thirteen years of being a ThetaHealing instructor I am no longer going to teach ThetaHealing courses.
I will still be seeing clients for 1:1 sessions both in person and via Zoom
If you’d like a session give me a call on 0407 536 702
or email maiya@maiya.love
Something new is coming and I’m excited about it,
it’s just there out of my grasp,
I know part of it but not the entirety of it.
I need to close this door first before the next door will open and the new ‘thing’ drops in completely.
When I know what it is I will let you know!
Until then, sending blessings to you
as we navigate our way in this new world
Be kind to yourself, and others