The importance of teaching kids to use their intuition

A client this week was telling me that her 10 year old son said he didn’t know who to believe.

His parents are divorced and his father is telling him things which are very confusing.

She and I discussed teaching him how to trust his gut feeling, his intuition.

Because when we get in touch with it our intuition never lets us down.

I realised during our talk that this is what we need to be teaching to ALL our kids.

Your intuition is a muscle and to develop it you must check in and listen.

The more you use it the more you will trust it

We then thought of a few games you could play with kids to help them to work out

It is always the thought that pops in immediately

Remember the multiple choice questions you’ve done … the first thing that popped in you argued with.

That was too easy, I have to ‘think’ about it.

So then you frown and think hard about the answer, put down what you got … and it invariably was wrong!

That first thought that you dismissed was the right answer!

How often has something popped into your head and you’ve dismissed it, only to find out it was right

It used to happen to me in the supermarket

I’d be getting a nudge to go down a particular aisle.

Then I’d argue in my head that I didn’t need anything down there …only to get home and realise ‘Oh, that’s why you wanted me to go down that aisle’!!

It happens to us all the time and we ignore it

Start listening now and see what a difference it makes in your life!

The old game of the three cups with something under one was the first thing I thought of. Move the cups around and they have to guess which one has ‘it’ underneath it

Get a pack of playing cards, pick one card and put it behind your back and get them to ‘guess’ what it is

Pick one of the kids books and put it under the pillow in your room and ask them to guess which one it is

Ask them to guess what you are going to cook for dinner (without them seeing or smelling any ingredients!)

Think of a number between 1 – 10 and get them to guess what it is

I’m sure you can think of many more that are appropriate for your children and your family.
Make it enjoyable, no pressure … for anyone!

Let me know what games your kids enjoy



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