You know the saying
‘let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me’ …
Well if we want things in the world to change we need to start with ourselves
Tough, I know, but true
Do you have peace in your close relationships?
Do you have peace with your work colleagues?
Do you have peace with yourself?
Can you say in all honesty, hand on your heart, that the voice that you hear in your head speaks kindly to you?
Or does the voice in your head yell and abuse you, speaking with words you would never use on anyone else?
When you say those horrible words to yourself you are actually telling your inner child, the younger you
that they are stupid, hopeless, pathetic, ugly, fat, will never amount to anything etc, etc . . . .
And that is the voice that speaks in most people’s heads
Sad, isn’t it?
And we wonder why there is no peace on earth
If you want that voice to stop and there to be peace in your head
I can help you
Check out my website to find out how …